Thursday 17 May 2018


The plans of the diligent certainly lead to profit, but anyone who is reckless certainly becomes poor.
Proverbs 21:5 HCSB
Diligent plans need to be more than how to make money. The euphoria from having a win, if allowed, can lead to wasteful usage.

Planning needs to be in place for usage. Budgets, forecasts and self-control must reign. Just as eating chocolate when down is not clever, so is shopping for non-essentials when either euphoric or depressed. Both lead to a waste of a valuable asset that could have been used for a need of someone else.

When I have surplus I know that lean times can be coming and so I save the surplus for that eventuality, unless God inspires me to give it away.

Diligence in relationships is also important. Never take someone for granted. Be ever aware of them as a person and allow God to show you how you can bless them.

Don't be reckless with anything God gives you! Amen!

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