Tuesday 8 May 2018

God is Moving

I — I have spoken; yes, I have called him; I have brought him, and he will succeed in his mission.
Isaiah 48:15 HCSB

This reference is to Cyrus of Persia who God would use to defeat Babylon and set His people free. Isn't it interesting that God says He has loved Cyrus(v 14) a pagan king. God's favour was on Cyrus and He in turn poured favour on God's people.

God will use people we would not vote for, people we would not employ. Yes He is God and He turns the hearts of Kings.
We are seeing how God has turned the heart of the North Korean leader Kim for His good purpose. Much prayer bathed this move. The people of South Korea have prayed and fasted, along with the ruler's own people. What a joy to watch this change of heart. Praise God!

Now.... If God can do this what is there He wants to do in your world? What miracle are you willing to persevere in prayer for?

Never...never...never give up! Amen!

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