Wednesday 9 May 2018

Fruit of Repentance

Be gracious to me, God, according to Your faithful love; according to Your abundant compassion, blot out my rebellion. Wash away my guilt and cleanse me from my sin.
Psalms 51:1‭-‬2 HCSB

This is a Psalm of David. It was written after David sinned with Bathsheba and Nathan the prophet had confronted him. The Psalm reveals that David fully realises the consequence of sin and how gracious God is to restore a repentant heart. David goes on the say that when he has been cleansed from sin he will minister to others.

This is the Christian life. As we come to Christ and are aware of our sin and made clean we can then go and minister to others. The greatest joy I experience is seeing a repentant sinner come to the Lord.

Being restored to the Father is a cause for rejoicing in heaven. The angels rejoice. I am praying for souls, specific souls, to come to know Jesus. I am also present in their lives. Presenting Christ is as simple as living for Him, loving Him and sharing how good He is. Amen!


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