Wednesday 9 May 2018

Deep Within

Surely You desire integrity in the inner self, and You teach me wisdom deep within.
Psalms 51:6 HCSB

The inner self is hidden from view, from all but God. We may fool others and even ourselves, but God is never fooled. David had committed such a sin. He was deceived in himself. He took another man's wife but didn't stop there, he then had the husband killed, all because he was unwilling to face and confess his sin.

Nathan the prophet had to go front David. David then repented but the child who would come from that liaison, he pleaded for for 10 days with prayer and fasting. The child died and David went on to father another child with Bathsheba, Solomon who was the wisest man ever to live, but not wise enough to avoid similar sin. Solomon married 700 foreign women and had 300 concubines. You might say he took his father's sin to infinity and back. He died away from God.

Our inner self is what God is interested in. He wants to live there and will not share it with lusts for money, lovers or power. He is a jealous God who loves purity.

What will you choose? The choices you make now will take you into eternity. What will that look like?

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