Wednesday 16 May 2018

His Glory

The priests were not able to enter the Lord ’s temple because the glory of the Lord filled the temple of the Lord .
2 Chronicles 7:2 HCSB

I have been chatting to the Lord about His glory. This is what I have surmised: God's Spirit is everywhere and when He reveals Himself as something like human form He condenses His everywhere presence and this creates dynamic fusions, like that which we see in the sun. It is so bright because there is so much energy coming together in one place.

When I walk I sense the presence of God all around me, that is, the times I focus wholly on Him. He likes me to seek Him out and find Him. I sense His delight.

I have been trying to convince the Lord to take me on an astronomy expedition. I have so many 'whys' I need to ask. I am in awe of His mind and His ways, they fascinate me. Our God is a very clever, loving, fun to be with God.

I want to know if the universe goes on and on or if it is a ball. If it is a ball, what is outside it, beside Him. What is the purpose of black holes? If He has so many star forming nebula and the universe is expanding, where does it go? Can you see why He intrigues me?

Why is the inhabited portion of the universe so small? Why? Why? Why? What is Neptune, Jupiter and Saturn really like, all the way through?

Scripture tells me that the church displays the many-sided nature of God. There are parts that only He can explain. How fascinating He is!

Get to know Him and you will never be bored!

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