Tuesday 23 October 2018


I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
Jeremiah 1:5 HCSB

Yesterday I saw a new born baby, she snuggled up in her daddies arms. She had a shock of black hair and was gorgeous. We have all been such a child, but even before we reached this stage, God was watching us wriggle and squirm in our mother's womb. He saw what we would be like when we finally came through the birth canal and He also knew what we would look like now. No matter how we assess ourselves, He sees differently.

Each of us have a body, a soul (our mind, will and intellect) and a spirit. We are made in three parts because we are made in His image. We cannot only look on one part of us and reject ourselves. What does God see?

My mum told me that when I was born I had an indentation across my forehead and I was ugly. However, the indentation caused through birth resolved and I became acceptable. In the past I did a midwifery course and saw many different sights. Not all babies are beautiful, not all people are, to look at. However, there are other attributes that shine through.

I joined the Rural Fire Service last week and my induction was handled by a man many would call ugly, yet this man has much more about him and I am grateful for the 'all' I saw. I know he is reliable. In such a service we need reliable people.

How we let life shape us determines our character. Will we feel sorry for ourselves or make lemonade out of lemons? The choice is ours. Amen!

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