Wednesday 17 October 2018

How Do I Know I Have Love?

We know what love is because Jesus gave his life for us. This is why we must give our lives for each other.
1 John 3:16 CEVDC

We have been given a reference point for love: Jesus. The sacrifice Jesus made is the example. The king of heaven humbled Himself and came as a nobody to die on a cross for our sins and because of this God raised Him from the dead, completing the circle. The perfect gift gave all and in return received glory and honour and power.

John goes on to talk about what giving looks like. If we see a church member in lack we need to give not just talk about it. Talk makes us feel righteous, I have compassion, therefore I must be good. No! Jesus didn't just talk about His sacrifice, He did it.

True righteousness is sacrificial, it does stuff, it moves, it has genuine compassion. Fear and greed will hold us back. I praise God that Jesus had neither going on in His life.

Love of the things of the world keeps us from being sacrificial. Jesus tells us: he who loves his life loses it and he who loses his life for His sake, finds it.

Let's lose our lives and the lusts of this world. Amen!

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