Wednesday 31 October 2018

What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love

A real love for others will chase those worries away. The thought of being punished is what makes us afraid. It shows we have not really learned to love.
1 John 4:18 CEVDC

I saw an ad with the above song playing. Yes we do need love, not lust. We need love that is genuine, not a feely, mushy thing that comes from a moment that sends us but is soon forgotten. Genuine love outlasts the moment.

How do I determine to love you? Will my love last? Will it be consistent? Probably not, unless it is Gods love in me. Sinful mankind are prone to love self first, everything else fits around it.

Love filtered by humanism is touchy feely, love that comes from God is full of compassion and works miracles. When I have genuine compassion for a person, I know I can ask whatever I want for them and it will be done. Genuine compassion is where God lives.

Love is patient, love is kind, love does not think of itself. 1 Cor 13 tells us all the attributes of Gods love. It is good. Amen!

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