Thursday 1 November 2018


Why am I discouraged? Why am I restless? I trust you, Lord ! And I will praise you again because you help me, and you are my God.
Psalms 42:11 CEVDC

We all become discouraged, especially in tough times when God seems far away.

This Psalm was written by the sons of Korah. You might remember this name from the time of Moses when 250 of the tribe had rebelled against Moses and God dealt with them. The ground opened up and swallowed them. Not a good history. Yet, obviously some remained and the prophet Samuel came from their line. During the time of David these people were the musicians and singers in the house (tent) of the Lord.

No matter what our family history, we are individuals before our God. If you read the whole Psalm you see that the Psalmist had a reason why he was downcast, his enemies were taunting him. Perhaps they were bullies trying to Lord it over a quiet man, a devout man. Perhaps he was a small man, a nerd even, as musicians didn't usually also carry a sword.

We have our bullies. I had mine. Bullies are usually a mess themselves and can't face their inadequacies and so pick on the nice, quiet kids. David was a friend and defender of the musicians, he was one himself and valued their service.

Be still and let your champion arise. Amen!

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