Friday 19 October 2018

When all is Said and Done

When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is: fear God and keep His commands, because this is for all humanity.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 HCSB

When all you have done is not enough, you plans have failed and you sit in a heap. What do you do? Job was faced with this exact same scenario. To top it off, he lost all he had, his children, his cattle and his servants, except his nagging wife and his condemning friends. Isn't that poetic? The book of Job does not say that Job wishes to lose his wife, we can only look on in sympathy.

King Solomon wrote the above scripture, a long, long,long time ago. Yet, as is most Godly principles, it is still relevant and applicable to our lives today.

Fear, or respect God and obey His commands. When Jesus came He said: abide in me as you can do nothing apart from me. John 15.

So, here it is again. Abide!

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