Friday 19 October 2018

Respecting God

Everything you were taught can be put into a few words: Respect and obey God! This is what life is all about.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 CEVDC

We live in a day of little respect. We instantly see politicians behaving badly; we see ministers dragged before the courts for child abuse; we see people mocking Jesus at every turn and offended that Christians want to remain pure.

Yet, for us who believe, we are called to respect and not denigrate. Respect means I will honour you for who you are and not reject your authority when it displeases me.

I was taught to respect God, my parents, my teachers, ministers, in fact all who were older than me. I had no reason to doubt this. Therefore I can remember what I was taught.

Disappointment can cause us to withdraw respect. I remember as a teenager I had disrespect for my dad for a time. He had hit me across the face for something I didn't do and when I protested he told me not to be a baby. When I became a Christian at 19 I went about forgiving him. In his later life he appreciated me and my willingness to confront and sort things out.

I don't think I ever disrespected God. I am grateful for this. The divide I experienced with my dad took long enough to heal and I didn't need to fall out with God.

If you have such an divide between you and God come to Him and ask for forgiveness and healing. He loves you and wants to spend time with you. Amen!

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