Wednesday 21 November 2018


I will thank Yahweh with all my heart; I will declare all Your wonderful works. I will rejoice and boast about You; I will sing about Your name, Most High.
Psalms 9:1‭-‬2 HCSB

Yahweh is an ancient Hebrew name for God. In 300 bc it was considered too holy to speak. Yet in the New Testament we come boldly to the Father through the blood of Christ, His sacrifice opened the door for us. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice.

This verse is a part of a Psalm of David. David knew how to worship. No matter what his circumstance he worshipped first and then poured out His grief or request to God. Here David is calling on Yahweh the God most high.

What can I thank God for today? He lives in me, this broken vessel is God's temple, because of Jesus I am called a child of God, an heir of promise, God sees me as righteous, holy, I am invited to sit with Jesus in the heavenlies. This means I may be on earth but whatever I face has already been defeated by Jesus and I can sit in peace knowing He said: "it is finished!" Amen!

Thank You my God! Thank You for Your salvation. Amen!

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