Sunday 23 December 2018

A Sign

Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14 HCSB

Isaiah was written 8th Cantury BC. He was a prophet and spoke about the birth of a saviour. We know this saviour to be Jesus. At this time of the year we celebrate the coming of our saviour. Matthew 1:21 says: and He will save His people from their sins.

Do you agree that sin is a problem? I know cultures who do not recognize the concept of sin. Nepalis have this issue, so do the Japanese. Modern men and women do not like you to tell them they sin. They believe in their own goodness and do not care for a God who tells them they are sinners. How dare you!

Being aware of sin is good, we can then come to the Lord in repentance, receive forgiveness and move on. In the Lords Prayer we are taught to ask for forgiveness but then to forgive others as well. A part of sin is not wanting to face or admit it. Yet in doing so we receive grace.

Being aware of our own failings is only good if it helps us humble ourselves in regard to others. Jesus taught to think of others better than ourselves. I struggle with this. If we think of others better than ourselves we dont judge them. However it does not mean we walk around with a poor self image. Rather we think truthfully about ourselves and others. Perhaps we look and listen before we speak. Amen!

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