Saturday 1 December 2018

Don't Judge

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Luke 6:37 HCSB

None of us like to be judged. We are hurt when others condemn us. Rejection is tied up with condemnation. I have suffered much under this one over the years but now things are changing. The very place we seek acceptance is usually where rejection comes and where we do not expect acceptance we receive it.

I am in my final days in Nepal and the place we stay at: United Vision Nepal has been running training days and all staff have been busy. I have been unwell with an annoying cough and today things went south and I developed vomiting and diarrhea. Fortunately I have a nursing background and came prepared. The bowel is sorted and the cough is coming to heel.
I had a visit from a previous staff member who gets things done. My cold room now has a heater and an electric jug for hot water. I was also given an omelet on toast with a special barely drink. I am blessed indeed.

This afternoon I had a video link with my six year old grandson for his birthday. Ollie had asked for a box of craft supplies. I was delighted to give him just what he asked for. During the video call I talked to all my grandchildren from my sons marriage and it made both them and I feel special.

When we are kind to others kindness comes back to us, when we are generous to others generosity comes back but if we are angry and bitter towards others the same comes back.

Remember what we sow we reap! Amen!

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