Saturday 15 December 2018

Get Your Light Back

“You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:14 HCSB

Jesus had just told His disciples they were the salt of the earth. Some cultures eat a lot of salt and thus have higher blood pressure. The Japanese are such a people. I cannot eat such salty food. In fact I go for low salt soy sauce. Recently when in Nepal I found myself eating a lot of packet noodles to intersperse by Dhal Bhadt diet. As a consequence I ate more salt than I would like. I felt like an piece of salted pork and was glad to eat less on my return to Australia. As a result my blood pressure dropped dramatically.

However, Jesus is stressing the need for salt and light. For a world without flavour needs salt and in darkness needs light. A bland world full of wishy washy ways needs flavour as does a darkened world devoid of light, desperately needs a source of light.

Both salt and light are essential and both can be found in the Christian. Jesus knew well that there would be a tendency to hide under bushels and not be willing to give flavour. He went on to say that salt that has lost its saltiness is worthless and needs throwing out.

If we have lost our first love and become similar to our unbelieving neighbors then we are saltless and our light has gone out. If a lighthouse fails to shine its light disaster strikes, especially in a storm. It is stormy out there. Get in touch with your light source and repent. Get your shine back. The world needs you!

Prayer: dear Jesus forgive me my laziness and set me on fire again. Amen!

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