Friday 28 December 2018

Remaining In Him

The one who says he remains in Him should walk just as He walked.
1 John 2:6 HCSB

After a difficult day, a difficult or harrowing experience we can often take out our frustrations on those we love. They don't need this. I have read what many do to drain the emotion out of their systems before walking through the front door. This is especially true for firemen, policeman, ambulance drivers and especially our armed forces.

We are not made to carry huge emotional loads. We must look at what Jesus did. He went away on His own and spent time with the Father. He uploaded. When the trauma is particularly bad we will need help to find our way there. Myself I found theophostic counseling the best. This is where you invite the Holy Spirit in to counsel. He knows us better than anyone.

Apart from this every day in the office can be bad. We still need to debrief before going home. For me different ways work for differing situations. Go out for a drive, singing in the spirit; climbing my hills; going to the sea. It all depends on the circumstance. However, wherever I go or whatever I do it must involve God and finding Him. He is the healer. Amen!

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