Thursday 20 December 2018

The Message

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21 NIV

Imagine if Joseph decided to name Jesus some other name or even refused to believe the angel and also refuse to marry Mary. I am sure God would have chosen another man and Joseph's life would have been void of the experience of raising the Son of God.

When God sends a messenger, it is important and for a reason. I have had a few angels visit amd each time it was important. When I was four I saw and angel and began a lifelong quest for truth and reality in my God. The next two encounters were in my 50s. The first to give me an invitation to be a bride of Christ. I was working in a hospital doing a pill round when I had to go down to another department and as I went by a certain place there was an angel. I said hello and did not know what else to say. He followed me around to where I was working and held our his hand. In his hand was beautiful ring. He was wanting me to dedicate myself to the Lord and not seek another husband. I said: "I know why you are here and I am not sure I want to do as you ask as I know it will be a lonely life." He went away. I knew this was right. The third time I was being pursued by a certain man and the attention was flattering. However, the angel came with a message: "he is not good enough for you." He was right.

I am glad Jospeph more readily obeyed the Lord. I am ashamed to say I dragged my feet. Of course I repented amd came to be willing to obey. I wonder what would have happened if I had obeyed quicker?

As someone who depended on Joseph's faithful obedience I can say:" obey quickly as there are those who depend on your obedience." Amen!

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