Thursday 20 December 2018

Name Him Jesus

She will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21 HCSB

These words were spoken by an angel to Joseph. Joseph had just found out his future wife Mary was pregnant. Joseph was caught with a difficult situation and was about to break their engagement.

God is good at creating difficult situations to test our faith and trust in the Lord's word above our circumstances. We need to know, at all times, where we stand with God.

God tends to create these in my life to move me on. My challenge is to be grateful for the storm.

Last night as we planned our street Christmas party a huge storm arose. Only the faithful and brave came. Yet the storm forced us to huddle and this was good for conversation. There is always a bright side of every problem.

For Jospeh the bright side was he would be involved in raising the Son of God. We know he was not around at the crucifixion but as to when he died we do not know. He fathered several sons and daughters but raising the Son of God was His greatest achievement. He taught his Son Jesus his trade as a carpenter, yet for all his good qualities he died young.

Are you caught with a difficult situation? Trust God! He will lead you!

Prayer: dear Jesus please be with me in this storm, lead me, guide me and strengthen me. Amen!

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