Wednesday 2 January 2019

Live Wisely and Well!

Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well! Psalm 90:12 MSG

We hear and give the comment: 'Well done!' We know what it is when we see it done by others. What is it when it is done by us? For us to know that we need to look at what we appreciate.

We love hard workers; generous souls; forgiving souls; compassionate souls; fair souls. Then, this is what we can be.

When I read the gospels I see Jesus do these things. He also stood up to injustice, religiosity, judgementalism and arrogant pride. Jesus was not walked over but at the right time He lay down His life for us. He knew when it was right and knew when to avoid the crowds. He protected Himself for His calling and the will of the Father, not the will of man. The people wanted Him to be a King. He was first a saviour. They did not get this.

We must know what we are and why we are here and protect that mission against the will of mankind who would turn us into their own image.

Be who you are called to be not what others want you to be. Amen!

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