Saturday 12 January 2019

Waiting and Watching

I pray to God —my life a prayer— and wait for what he’ll say and do. My life’s on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning.
Psalm 130:5 MSG

Rather than throwing a tizzy fit, why not wait, watch and trust? We cannot insist that God answers in our time. His time is best, always! What we fail to compute is that His time involves maturing of character so that we can be trusted with the answer.

I took my mum to see Mary Poppins Returns on Thursday. While waiting in line to buy tickets we watched a toddler throw a 'tizzy fit' because she wanted to play rather than wait. Her mother gave in. I wonder how many times the mother gives in? Giving in breeds impatience in a young heart who wants instant gratification as she grows.

We cannot have instant results, unless we use the microwave and at the expense of destroying valuable nutrients. Patience is good. Learn to wait. Take time to do a task, don't rush!

I am currently sanding down my garden furniture to paint with a different colour and texture. It is an arduous process but one I must give myself to. Times is important. Take time and the result is better. Amen!

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