Friday 4 January 2019

When You Get Serious

“When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” God ’s Decree. Jeremiah 29:13‭

I was thinking about this verse and at first my thoughts were: I still don't think about God enough and then it hit me: when do you seek for someone? When they are lost or you are lost. When you are lost you are desperate.

Remember the parable about the lost son. The son wanted what was his inheritance for selfish motives. He wanted to leave his father and do things his own way. Scripture tells us that when he came to his senses he realised his father's house was the best place and he repented and sought home with all his heart.

In a good close knit family a son does not seek to be in his father's face every moment of the day. Yet he lives a life of love and respect for his father. He makes sure he seeks out his father at the right time. As a child of God I live my life before Him and make special time (us time) daily.

Let's live as sons amd daughters of the king, living a life of respect. Amen!

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