Saturday 5 January 2019

Drawn Near

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, double-minded people! James 4:8 HCSB

James does not sound like a John. They come from two different places. He ie a no nonsense guy and he was Jesus' half brother. Because he is such a direct person, a true choleric in nature it makes me wonder if Joseph or Mary had this trait. Imagine growing up in such a household. I had it in my house growing up. My sister is choleric and I have it in me as well. When needing to stand my ground or push through something, it raises it's head. Not a nice part of me. I have to struggle with it to find grace.

John on the other hand called his followers 'little children'. He was gentle and loving. If he brought correction he did it with gentleness. So, you might say James amd John are chalk and cheese. The two opposites. Yet but played a role.

James was the head of the church in Jerusalem. It is unfortunate that we only have his one letter to get to know him and this one letter is bringing correction. His style would probably not go down well today but he had a place. Imagine if Jesus chose him. This man would have struggled to worship his brother as the messiah. Yet he did. After Jesus rose from the dead he went and spent time with people. James would have been one. I would love to have been there. What a day!

Cholerics are needed and important. They can be good leaders if bathed in grace. My strength is my weakness but my weakness my God uses for His glory. Amen!

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