Sunday 3 February 2019

Serve the Lord

Serve the Lord with reverential awe and rejoice with trembling.
Psalms 2:11 HCSB

This whole Psalm is a prophetic Psalm about Jesus. We know this for in acts 4:25 we are told it referred to Jesus and was written by king David.

The tone of the Psalm is the pomp and Authority given to Jesus by His Father and how the world rulers need to understand this fact.

Our God is mighty, enthroned on high and coming again in the clouds of heaven. He has all power and glory and although He has given grace for us to live under on this earth our time is coming to stand before Him. Then will we see His authority and rulership.

That day is coming like a thief in the night. We cannot say: "He is not coming, He said He would and look at the state of the world, man rules!" Ha! This is the great deception. That day is coming and has come for many.

God's delay is God's kindness so that more might come to repentance. When He comes there will be no more grace but the record books will be out: "what did you do with my Son?" Will be the question asked.

What did you do?

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