Thursday 25 April 2019

All Have Sinned

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23‭-‬24

None of us can claim to be righteous, apart from Jesus. No matter how 'good' we are in public we fail in some way, if not in deed, in thought.

Sin is not an attractive topic these days. In fact telling someone they are a sinner will probably end in violence. Being aware of our sin is only possible through the working of the Holy Spirit and He does this brilliantly.

My constant prayer is for the Holy Spirit to bring revelation of truth into hearts and lives.

What joy comes at the confession of sin and request for forgiveness. The cleansing that God brings is beyond compare. Jesus knew this is what was needed and that He was that answer. He shed His blood to win us freedom from eternal guilt. What a gift!

I am so grateful that I came to awareness of my sin and that I found Him, my saviour. Now I live by faith in Him. He alone is good!

Eternal life is ours, in Him.

Prayer: Jesus forgive me for all my sins, wash me clean and bring into new life in You! I trust You! Amen!

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