Sunday 21 April 2019

I Am the Resurrection and Life

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die — ever. Do you believe this? ” John 11:25‭-‬26 HCSB

What good news! Today we celebrate life. For us who believe this day represents the giving and receiving of eternal life. We know that when we die physically we enter eternity, alive in our spirits.

I remember being dead in spirit. I would not go back there for anyone or anything. The One I chose as saviour released me from eternal death. My love for Him keeps me with Him amd alive in Him.

Today I have the joy of watching my eldest grandson Myer be baptized. Myer is 13. He has gone from a boy who was unsure of Jesus to believing in Him and serving Him.

I am sure that Myer will have many epiphanies as he grows up. Every time I think I know, I discover there is more. This is the joy of being a Christian.

My pray for Myer is that he will grow in Him and learn to love Him all the more. Amen!

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