Tuesday 28 May 2019

Branching Out

“I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me. John 15:5 HCSB

I can do what God puts in my heart to do. What He leads me to do works but what comes from sentimentalism does not work. How do I know the difference? Pray and lay it down, pray and lay it down, pray and lay it down.

On Sunday I saw the completion of a 4 year dream. It was birthed in love of people and not ego. He is in people not ego. A  new Skate Park came about because of love for the people who routinely used and old park near my office. God wanted me to do something and I did. It was challenging and stretched me but He was in it.

I am now looking at further study to help new Australians. I am going back to study English so I can assist them in learning our language. There are many pathways and I need to choose the right one. On that path I will meet many people. It will challenge me but as my God is leading it will be enjoyable.

God is in the stretch. He is the master explorer. With Him are many adventures. Amen!

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