Saturday 18 May 2019

Finally....When all You Can Do is Stand!

Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Ephesians 6:10 HCSB

To be able to do this you must switch off the noise. Today I went for  long walk and voted then returned home and did housework then I had a nap.

Last night my church held a dinner for farmers and I was involved. I loved talking to these folk. What a joy! I shared my faith in God with one women and also my trial.

Today is election day and there would be a lot of noise around. So I switched it off and prayed as I went through my day.

This afternoon I read a good book called: No God But One. I am learning a lot about Islam and the differences between it and my Christianity. Much better use of my time.

I pray God's will will be done in the elections. Amen!

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