Sunday 19 May 2019

God Wins

Many adversities come to the one who is righteous, but the Lord delivers him from them all. Psalms 34:19 HCSB

Our elections are over and Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a devout Christian, led his party to a miraculous victory.

The hate brigade were out in force with their bad press and bad predictions and they failed. Praise God!

Many of the opposition claim that our country was not progressive on climate change and medical advancement. (Abortion on demand) considering that the earth has heated less than 1% I am grateful that we have a government who will not pay huge amounts of money to the Paris Accord. Yes we must care for our planet but someone needs to use unaltered facts and not manipulated figures.

I am an environmentalist at the most basic level, I pick up trash, recycle plastics and limit the purchase and use of same. Many of the 'climate change' brigade trash the environment and could best start there. We must be personally responsible and stop yelling at government to do all the work. We need to grow up!

The most important take away for me was to continue to pray for my government and my country. Amen!

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