Thursday 9 May 2019

Godly Grief

For godly grief produces a repentance not to be regretted and leading to salvation, but worldly grief produces death. 2 Corinthians 7:10 HCSB

The Apostle Paul had written a letter  rebuking  the  Corinthians about ungodly behaviour in their midst.  We can read this in 1 Corinthians. Now here he is writimg again rejoicing that the Corinthians had changed their ways. He knew this as he had sent Timothy to see them and he returned with a good report.

Worldly grief makes us sorry we were caught or exposed and often statements like  : " I feel so bad" are stated. Feeling bad and repentance are not the same. Feeling bad comes from a desire to be seen as good. Yet repentance has a seeking God element and a desire  for a clean heart and correct behaviour before Him.

I find repentance in my own heart comes as  I need to forgive someone and let go of anger. I know the result of anger is violence in attitude and speech and for some pnysical abuse. It ends in grief and bitterness and finally sickness. I dont want this.

Therefore, seek godly grief as it leads to repentance and this is a complete turning away from sin. This is good! Amen!

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