Wednesday 8 May 2019

Our Gifts

Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10 HCSB

Peter goes on the give examples of gifts: speaking, serving, hospitality.

Today I had a problem. My mum, recently home from hospital could not get into her bed. Her legs are very swollen and heavy. At first I looked up equipment hire as I thought to get her steps but then I knew what to do: the bed frame is metal and I deduced, 'we need to cut off the legs and make the bed lower'. My nephew lives next door and is a builder. I went to see him and asked him to help. He did and within 30 minutes mum's bed is manageable. One of my gifts is problem solver and I have trained myself to act quickly and not procrastinate.

I am not a builder. Yes I could probably buy the equipment and do the job but I know it would not have been good. However, my nephew was able to show his love for my mum and myself. He is a good young man. We are blessed!

Know you gifts and use them!

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