Friday 17 May 2019

My Wisdom? ha!

Don't be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Proverbs 3:7 NLT

Today I had an opportunity to rely on my own wisdom and refused. Tied to my own wisdom is anxiety and 'How can this be!' My accountant has been preparing my tax return from 2017-2018 which is normal for business. She came back with: You owe the tax office $8,500. I know we submitted the quarterly returns as required and when you do these the tax office programme tells you what tax you owe. The figure given me is far and above what I had already paid in the past.

Anxiety would drive me to all manner of machinations and accusations. However, I prefer a 'But God' moment and I am seeking Him for His resolution. Mistakes can be made and we have to assume something is amiss until everything is checked. However, have you ever checked a row of figures and found a different result three times in a row? I have. It all depends on what else is on your mind. Tonight ministering to suffering people is on my mind. It takes precedence! I also note that as the national elections are tomorrow I am receiving a lot of messages, anxious about the outcome. If I am praying and trusting the Lord for the outcome, what will anxiety do?

I want to see my God move in the land. I want Him glorified! Let's see what He can do!! Amen!

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