Saturday 22 June 2019

A New Person

You took off your former way of life, the old self that is corrupted by deceitful desires; you put on the new self, the one created according to God’s likeness in righteousness and purity of the truth. Ephesians 4:22‭, ‬24 HCSB

If I take off my dirty work clothes and put on fresh clean clothes after a shower, I would not go and again put on my dirty clothes. That would be foolish!

When I became 'born again' I was washed clean and made new in Christ. Why would I turn around and jump back into filth? I have been given a new heart. My desires are made new. The enemy of my soul would try and convince me to give up my freedom by lying to me about the freedom Christ gives me.

Call a lie a lie and refuse to yield your freedom. 'Stand fast therefore in the liberty where for Christ has made you free and do not again be entangled by the yoke of bondage'. Gal 5:1

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