Sunday 23 June 2019

On Being Wise

A wise man will listen and increase his learning, and a discerning man will obtain guidance — for understanding a proverb or a parable, the words of the wise, and their riddles. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:5‭-‬7 HCSB

Fearing or respecting God is a good start as God created wisdom and His precepts hold wisdom togther. God's wisdom may not seem wisdom to us, especially when it does not make sense. There are a few aspects of God that does not make sense, the chief ones being His love and grace. We, being human, are not so gracious. Our grace is limited by our patience.  The interesting thing is: love is patient, love is kind. (1 cor 13.)

Another aspect of God that does not makes sense is His longsuffering, but then, love is also longsuffering. (1 Cor 13) we want quick action. God takes His time but when He does act it is swift.

Our failure to respect God comes from our own imperfect nature and thinking He should, or could, think like us. God tells us His ways are much higher than ours and His thoughts are much higher than ours. ( Is 55:8,9)

Remember, you are not God!

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