Saturday 15 June 2019

Honouring Parents

Honour your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, Ephesians 6:2 HCSB

Honouring parents has two strands: respecting who they are as the ones who gave us life or those who raised us; behaving, ourselves, in a way that brings honour to our parents.

If we honour God first, we do them the greatest honour. As honouring God, for He gave us breath, He chose us with destiny and gave us to our parents for them to raise us.

Honouring my dead father is not denigrating him but being grateful for the good. As my mum is still living I care for her as she needs to be, not as an inconvenience but as a treasure.

I give mum room to be herself and not expect her to adapt to me, totally. This is still a relationship, two-way.

Honour is for the position our parents have. They were before us. Whilst we may not do what they do or like what they like we can give them honour for who they are.

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