Tuesday 18 June 2019

Remain and Ask!

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! John 15:7 NLT

In the book of Ruth, we see Boaz tell Ruth, a foreigner, to stay in his field and then he makes sure she has more than enough.

Jesus came from this line and He goes further and says: if you remain in Me you can ask whatever you want and it will be done.

Yesterday I had dealings with our tax office to ask for help with a supposed tax bill of $8,500. The ledgers showed a profit because the principle on a loan was not counted as deductible in my previous business. As you can imagine I was met with tax law. I made an arrangement to pay and then wrote it all out in a letter to the highest in the land, my Prime Minister.

The tax system has injustices in it and is cold and hard. However, my God is good and kind. Our PM is a God-fearing man and if anyone can help, he can.

I am told by Jesus to have simple faith and I do. Now I will wait and pray. Amen!

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