Monday 17 June 2024

The return

“In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”
Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus had just told the parable about the woman who lost one of ten coins. She swept the house clean and when she found it called her neighbours to celebrate.

We may not relate to this parable regarding coins as they are not really of importance in todays digital age. However, a better example would be an engagement ring or some precious item of jewellery. We also do not live in tight knit communities in the west. However, Nepal still has these. Every evening, if you happen to be out ‘roaming’ you will see men, women and children sitting outside talking to neighbours ( children are often playing soccer or cricket). In such a community the loss of paisa (money) would be relevant and the story told.

To God the loss of a child, a son or a daughter is a sad event, but the joy of their return is a cause for celebration. To love the Lord is to care for those He cares for and to reach out to them.

Today is Father’s Day in America, today fathers will be longing for their children to return to them. May forgiveness flow today. Amen!

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