Wednesday 3 July 2024


“Jesus looked at him with sorrow and said, “A kiss, Judas? Are you really going to betray the Son of Man with a kiss?”Luke‬ ‭22‬:‭48‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Judas had walked with Jesus, lived in union with Him for three years, been given the responsibility of the treasury, been annointed to go and preach to the lost. Yet, here he was leading the haters to capture Jesus. This he did with the sign of a kiss.

A kiss is intimate. When we greet family and dear friends we do so with a kiss. We do not greet enemies with a kiss, they barely rate a handshake. How could Judas stoop so low? He had been intimate with Satan that’s how. How long had he harboured attitudes that he hid? How long had offence been allowed to grow in his heart?

If we harbour offence, bitterness, disillusionment in our hearts we are fodder for our enemy. Many can be offended at God not blessing them as they thought He would. Many can be offended at brothers and sisters in Christ for misdemeanours gone unchecked. Offence leads to betrayal because the offended one already feels betrayed. 

Have mercy Lord! May Your kingdom come, You will be done! Amen!

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