“We cross the threshold of true knowledge when we live in obedient devotion to God. Stubborn know-it-alls will never stop to do this, for they scorn true wisdom and knowledge.”Proverbs 1:7 TPT
Other versions say: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. In my quest to understand the word ‘fear’ here I checked out TPT. ‘Obedient devotion’ says it better.
Living in Nepal you see many police officers directing traffic. I’ve been present when rogue officers singled out my friend Chelle for traffic offenses, letting everyone else go. The latest pocketed 500R of my money threatening to keep my friends licence. Generally most abide by good lawful practices. Why do I mention the police? well, fear is associated with the police. You, out of fear obey the road rules so that you avoid a penalty.
Our Heavenly Father gave us laws to live by but more importantly He gave us His Son who fulfilled the Law. As I live by faith in the ‘work’ of the Son of God I am saved and safe. The penalty for sin is death. Jesus paid that penalty for me. I do not need to scurry around trying to appease my Heavenly Father, Jesus paid the price once and for all time for me. I am, now, welcome into relationship and family with my Father. However, just as an earthly child should obey their parents, I obey and respect my Father, not out of law but love.
I live trusting His words to me. I trust His Holy Spirit to guide me, I do not run off on my own. His ways and understanding is far better than mine, however, I do not sit on all He has given me, I use it for Him. Amen!
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