Friday, 31 January 2025

Not ashamed

“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.”Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I am so grateful that Jesus persued me and brought me to Himself. I cannot bear to think what life would have been without Him. He is my joy and peace. This joy compels me to share my good news with others.

I am in Nepal and although I am learning the language I still do not know many of the tenses and the vocabulary. I have been learning the language for over one year. Sharing the joy of the Lord can be a challenge, however, when the opportunity presents itself I do. Each night my flatmates and I do Bible study and a young girl comes to join us. We are amazed. The landlord and his family have joined us in prayer at New Year. 
This week I was at the Immigration office waiting for a new visa and I saw a man desperately rubbing himself across his forehead with prayer beads. I new I needed to share Jesus with him. I have cards in English that speak of God’s love, and John 3:16 printed on the backside. I asked him if he spoke English and gave him a card. He did not speak English, as he was getting a visa he must have been Tibetan as he appeared Chinese. He gratefully took the card when his wife explained what it was. I trust the Lord to speak across the language barrier.

In Nepal it is illegal to proselytise. I took the chance that because this man was a foreigner it would be acceptable. He needs Jesus. My Jesus does not require me to rub myself down with prayer beads, His sacrifice is enough. I am so grateful that Jesus lives in my heart. He is enough! Amen!

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