Thursday, 23 January 2025

Treasure hunting

““The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.”Matthew‬ ‭13‬:‭44‬ ‭NLT‬‬

How did the man discover the treasure? Was he searching for it? Or did he stub his toe whilst walking through the field? However he came upon it, he recognised it as treasure. A lump of gold can be covered in dirt and encased in other minerals, how did he recognise it? He must have had eyes to see it. Agates are in the middle of an ordinary looking rock, you can pass them by and never know the beauty within, unless you have trained your eye to see. There is a road in Australia not far from where I lived where these rocks are laying beside the road. People pass them every day and do not see the potential within. Their hearts do not treasure them.

I was searching for an encounter with Jesus all my life until the age of 19. Jesus planted me in a field called nurses training where there where ordinary looking rocks, other nurses who loved Him. I rejected their invitations to youth group as I failed to see the treasure within. It took Jesus coming to me and convicting me of my sin and giving me the gift of repentance for me to see. Then, like the man in the parable I knew joy. I sold everything for the treasure, I gave up my old way of life completely for Jesus.

Today I pray that the Lord would give you eyes to see the treasure within the rocks! Come to Him that you might be healed and set free. Amen!

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