Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Future ideas

“A person may have many ideas concerning God’s plan for his life, but only the designs of God’s purpose will succeed in the end.”Proverbs‬ ‭19‬:‭21‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I’ve been here, many times. I am here again, but this time I am not living in the future but the present, and allowing God to unravel the future, trusting Him for the journey along the way.

As I pace myself to enjoy the day I am in and trust my Lord for the journey, I enjoy the present so much more. If I live in the future I push away those in the present I am needed for. The people who inhabit the present with me are precious souls, and I need to do life well with them.

The weather is warming here, even though it should still be winter, spring is beginning. It is six weeks early. Yesterday I saw the Himalayas in all their glory as I rode to an appointment. If I lift my head I see the glory, if I watch my feet I see the filth. It is better to keep my eyes on Jesus each day, instead of the problems.

Today I welcome a friend back to Nepal. Friends and I plan a surprise. We will all dine together before we leave for the airport. Our flat will be the restaurant. Planning to bless others is fun. My flatmates and I are endeavouring to turn our flat into a place of hospitality, we want to invite ladies to knit with us.

Lord make me an instrument of blessing to others today! Amen!

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