Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Your word

“I consider your Word to be my greatest treasure, and I treasure it in my heart to keep me from committing sin’s treason against you.”Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭11‬ ‭TPT‬‬

God’s Logos is the Bible predominantly and His Rhema, His revealed word through preaching and prophesy. Neither counters the other but rather reinforce and support the other.

David had the written word, in the manuscript scrolls. I am sure he experienced the Rhema, he had the prophet Nathan come and speak to him about his wrong relationship with Bathsheba. David would seek the Lord’s guidance via the prophet before he embarked on a battle. He was a man after God’s heart and his psalms reveal a man who heard from God.

However, the verse above may not have been written by David but by one of his priests, some commentators believe it was written by Daniel, some surmise Ezra. However, the common belief is it was David.

Nonetheless, the writer valued God’s word. As we value God’s word above the media and the voices of others we will hear God speak to us. Amen!

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