Sunday 21 October 2012

Is it Fair?

Good will come to a (wo)man who lends generously and conducts his(her) business fairly.
(S)he will never be shaken. Psalm 112:5,6

Ever been tempted to withhold? Not good is it?

If ever I withhold even for a moment I am so miserable. I know I meant to be a conduit for God's grace and abundance to others.

Recently I had someone pay me direct instead of through my employer. I could not rest until it was repaid and billed correctly even though I needed the money. I would rather be clean than have unjust gain.

The above scripture tells me that I will be blessed as I continually make the right choices.

My God's delight is more important to me than anything else. He is good and I can trust Him. Amen!

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