Monday 19 November 2012


Lord, set a guard on my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips.
Do not let my heart turn to any evil thing or perform wicked acts with men who commit sin.
Do not let me feast on their delicacies.
Let the righteous one strike me- an act of faithful love;
Let him rebuke me-
It is oil for my head;
Let me not refuse it.
Psalm 141:1-5
A few weeks ago I felt trapped in helping a client but walking into danger. I have strict compliance I now must follow and realised I was walking into a compromise. I was caught and cried to The Lord for assistance and he delivered me.
At times clients can insist on their own way nor caring about consequences and I have to consider consequences.

I also do not want to lay a foundation that is built on deception or compromise. If I let one 'small' thing through it is the beginning of a bad thing.

Not long after along came another wanting compromise and I had to say no and stand my ground.

How do we get to 'big' errors? Begin with little ones.

I do not want any crooked foundations; no cheating on tax returns; no signing to say I saw someone sign a paper; no leading lenders to believe a client is good for a loan based on past performance, what are they like now?

Big towers crumble and fall because of bad foundations. Lord protect my heart from wickedness and deceit. Protect my mouth from complaining as its fruit is bitter. No compromise! Amen!

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