Along this path I travel they have hidden a trap for me.
Look to the right and see no one stands up for me;
There is no refuge for me,
No one cares about me. Psalm 142;3,4
Ever feel like this? I have had some of the darkest and loneliest moments in my life over the past 9 years but I have found One who never leaves.
I have stepped out to be obedient to my God and only 1 friend supported me and he died horribly with cancer. My children doubted me and my siblings felt sorry for me, my mother struggled to believe. But there was One who never forsook me.
Over this time I came to know this One intimately. He is good, He is God, He is faithful, He is sufficient.
No amount of pain, fear, doubt, rejection, abuse is too much for Him. His love conquerors all.
Why did I suffer? Many suffer, but we must find Him. He has the answers, the peace, the provision.
I came to know that He will always provide as long as I hold firm and trust and not feel sorry for myself. I have faced Christmas in debt and nothing to celebrate with, I have been rejected and cast out but I am still here, stronger than ever because of Him.
We have spoiled ourselves with images of how life should be and become sullen and angry when it does not perform. Resentment is a failure to find truth and full of self pity, don't go there, bitterness awaits you.
We all have an eternity that awaits us. This life is short, a dot in comparison. This is my training. Where will I spend eternity, what will I do there?
Get up off the floor, strengthen the limbs that hang down, throw self-pity out and search for Him and seek His ways, then you will gain perspective and live. Amen!
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