Tuesday 20 November 2012

Pressed Down?

For the enemy has pursued me, crushing me to the ground, making me live in darkness like those long dead.
My spirit is weak within me;
My heart is overcome with dismay.
I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all You have done;
I reflect on the works of Your hands.
I spread out my hands to You;
I am like parched land before you.
Answer me quickly, Lord;
My spirit fails.
Don't hide Your face from me,
Or I will be like those going down to the pit. Psalm 143:3-7

Ooh I have been here! Have you? Are you still there? Determine He is the answer and refuse to leave His door.

Jesus told his disciples that we have to be persistent, annoyingly so, in prayer and never give up.

We have many enemies; fear, doubt, anxiety, self-pity, condemnation and the list goes on. They array against you determined to take you out. Self-pity is the doorway for the others. If you refuse to feel sorry for yourself then you toughen up, like a seasoned warrior.

No matter how pressed down I feel my God is always there, I just need to turn my face to Him and let Him speak. His love covers me and although I am so scared at times, He can see the way through. He has the sight when I see the darkness.

Hang on to His word it is full of life! Amen!

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