Sunday 4 November 2012

Our Elders

Though I have become like a wine skin dried by smoke, I do not forget Your statutes. Psalm 119:83

Sorry folks I am including this because I love the word picture more than any other reason. Awesome!

As we age we begin to wrinkle just like the wine skin.

I remember visiting my great aunty in hospital when she was 93. I had taken my mother with me and when we turned the corner to where we knew her bed was it appeared to be occupied by a stranger but on close inspection it was my aunt. She had shriveled up.

I wonder what is going through the mind of the psalmist. We he feeling old or actually was aware he was aging?

Either way there are two relevant experiences portrayed here.

I find myself wishing that our elders would not desert The Lord like they are now doing. They are condoning all sorts of impurity and even practicing them, themselves.

If the elders are turning their back on the Lord's ways what hope is there do their children and grandchildren. Who will uphold righteousness?

I grieve for our society, have mercy Lord!

The greatest hope is being ignored.

Jesus is the answer to all that ails us! Amen!

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