Sunday 4 November 2012

Victor or Victim

Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding so that I can learn Your commands. Psalm 119:73

As we wake each day we clothe ourselves with outwardly garments. We may fail to realize it but in the spirit two garments (undergarments) wait to be chosen.

Written on one is: 'I am a victim, I can't help who I or what I do, this is what I was dealt in life.'

On the other is: 'I am a child of the most high God. I am blessed, beautiful, full of God's presence and made for victory.'

The weird thing is: what ever is our default setting is the garment we wear without thinking.

If your default is 'victim' and you fail to recognise the other, anything else you do today will be coloured by these garments.

Why not choose life today? Why walk in defeat?

Seek The Lord, His word and the power therin!

Be blessed!

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