Sunday 11 November 2012

Our Inheritance

The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous. Psalm 125:3

Each of us has an inheritance to take up.

In Australia there are millions of dollars of superannuation that has not been taken up by the rightful owners. Why? They have moved residence, changed jobs but more importantly it has not been high on their priority list. Yet, they will want it one day, at retirement.
As Christians we have been allotted an inheritance but we have to choose to take it up. On our inheritance there are squatters we need to evict to take possession.

If you are unwilling to fight for your inheritance you will not receive it. The scepter of the wicked can only stay while you allow it.

Again, it is a matter of choice. Today, will you choose to believe and also will you step into the fray with your sword drawn (the word of God).

Remember, you overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony. Amen!
We have an inheritance to take up

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