Saturday 24 November 2012

Praise Him?

Praise God in His sanctuary. Psalm 150:1

Since Christ God lives in the hearts of the believers, we are His sanctuary, His temple.

Have you ever inhabited a place you did not like or enjoy? I have! I am there right now. I am in transit to what is mine.

When people invite the Lord into their lives but don't move their junk out of the way, not very accommodating.

When Jesus comes He offers a brand new start, all things have been made new. He offers deliverance and freedom from all that was a bondage or problem in our lives. He came to set at liberty the captives. Amen!

If we constrain Him and put Him in a little room in our lives then we miss out. We cannot accept Christ in token only He is an all- consuming fire. He has all, brings all, gives all. How about you?

My role in life us to open up all my life to Him and allow Him free reign. As I do His might and power comes to me.

I praise You Lord for You are so good and Your love endures forever. Amen!

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